Column Information saving to Updates

Idea: When you add text to a text column, or add a URL to a link column; have that information append/save to the Updates of a pulse.


  1. Visibility: Currently, I use the text column to put the last thing I did on a task for a pulse. This makes it easy for my team to see what the last thing I did / current status. Unfortunately, this information does not save to the actual updates.

So I have to copy the text and press the button to open the updates then add it and click save. It would be really awesome if when I added text to the Text Column, it automatically appended it to the updates.

  1. Limitations to using Status for notes: If you use the status column to add a text by clicking the top right hand corner, it only allows you to save 1 message for 1 status. This is not very convenient if you have a few different actionable items that you may complete while ā€œin progressā€ status is going on.

  2. Cross-Board movement: If you have text or links in columns and move a pulse to a new board without the same exact set up, you lose that information.

Iā€™ve lost links and had to spend 30+ minutes searching for them because I thought that using the columns for links was the quick/easy/smart thing to do, but it isnā€™t when you move your pulse to a new board. Since the link isnā€™t getting saved into the update.

Random rant: Why is markdown available for submitting to community, but not in the actual platform? ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

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Hey @Yannage,

Welcome to the community :dancer:

Does the activity log not help with seeing what was last changed on a pulse? Iā€™m interested to hear why you need those steps visible all the time? I would expect that when you want to see whatā€™s changed, opening the activity log on either the board or pulse level would solve this?

Regarding the status column and notes - what would you like to see in its place?

Regarding the cross-board movement, are you saying when you move an item and have the same board structure set up on the receiving board, any links in the text column disappear? Not sure I got this one :thinking:

Regarding the markdown, youā€™d like to have that option when writing updates in the platform? Interestingā€¦ weā€™ll pass that along as feedback!

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Clicking the activity log is another step and adds to the space being used at a given time. I also think people read columns first. By adding my last step or current step into the text column it makes it less friction for me as well as anyone who wants to see that information. It is also less clicks.

I donā€™t want to remove any columns. I just want the column text to save to the updates as well as the links. More information could be valuable to save to updates, but I only know the impact of these 2 columns.

When two boards have slightly different structure and you move a pulse you lose anything that was on the column. Even having two hyperlink columns I find the if they arenā€™t named the same the information is lost. Itā€™s just a little weird the information gets deleted. Because when I move the column back to try and recover it is gone.

Yes I love markdown. It makes writing have less friction and be much quicker.

Thanks for your response!

I agree this would be useful.

In a related thought, at our company we have also thought that it would be good to have a column type which displayed the last comment on the pulse - we use our boards for a multitude of audiences and types and are using them to run most of our meetings now, and itā€™s helpful when youā€™ve only got a couple of minutes for each item to see at a glance what was last happening with it.


it would be good to have a column type which displayed the last comment on the pulse - we use our boards for a multitude of audiences and types and are using them to run most of our meetings now, and itā€™s helpful when youā€™ve only got a couple of minutes for each item to see at a glance what was last happening with it.

Excellent idea.

We could use a ā€œLatest Updateā€ Column type too when I think of all the times we have to click on pulses in meetings simply to view Updates to refresh ourselves on the most recent comment. Often, we see the update and instantly know that we can move on. Nothing to discuss there.

Thoughtful details like this make good software great.



to and @Yannage

Our use case: The Long Text column is for client facing status and the updates are for emailed, detailed, and internal only status. When we share with the client, we donā€™t want them to see our internal conversation, but conversely, need the update to be there to keep all of them in front of internal resources. We too need to copy/paste

this would be one of (any) helpful methods to make long text columns more visually useful!!!

We do this manually now, but if itā€™s automated in the direction of ā€œupdate feeds pulse columnā€, it could be incredibly long, since those come from email threads quite often. Would be good if it only took the update from the latest email being forwarded to the pulse.

I have requested from Monday a same feature like ClickUp has with Comments Column. It shows the last comment in the task colmun. Is it similar that you are after?

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Having something like that would definitely be really beneficial!

This would open doors for Monday to basically have a ā€œTicketā€ system. It would allow users to be more clear about what they are working to their managers, and reduce time wasted.

Yes, markdown support would be great!

exactly @olivervaagen! our integrations coding team continues to prefer click-up (and may win the challenge vs. Monday) , and Iā€™m believing this is one of several reasons.