Combining IF and OR formulas

I’m attempting to count multiple statuses/roles in subitems of a role, which is then mirrored under the main item. The formula I’m using now is “IF({Role}=“RoleA”,1,0)” which then shows a number (RoleA = 1, RoleB = 0), which is then counted in a Mirror Column (RoleA: 1).

My issue is that I want to count multiple roles in the subitems and Mirror them as only one total in the main item. IE: Count all RoleA and RoleC as totaling in RoleA, keep RoleB as a separate count.

Is this possible?

Thank you!


If I am understanding correctly, try something like this:

IF(OR({Role}="RoleA", {Role}="RoleC"), 1, 0)

Jim - The Monday Man
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Jim, this was perfect!! Thank you so much! I was able to verify it worked and then successfully added four more roles to the code which also tallies correctly. I really appreciate it!

Great, glad it worked.