Connect_boards not found 404

Doing some dev work for a non-profit. I’m trying to update a connected column via the API. Would be great to find it first to id it, so i can get updates into it. But getting the below. Am i missing something obvious?

query {
boards (ids: THEBOARDID) {
items_page (query_params: {rules: [{column_id: “connect_boards”, compare_value: [“Ire”], operator:contains_text}]}) {
items {

“error_code”: “ResourceNotFoundException”,
“status_code”: 404,
“error_message”: “Column not found”,
“error_data”: {
“resource_type”: “column”,
“column_id”: “connect_boards”,
“board_id”: 1348190667,
“error_reason”: “store.monday.automation.error.missing_column”

The error message says it all: “column connect_boards not found on this board”. Are you sure you are using the correct columnId?

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I was afraid that would be the reply. I guess, the next questions is how to I find the Column name. All the docs seem to point at is a column called ‘connect_boards’, and i dont seem to be able to find a way to dump all column names for a given table ( this would help).

Any pointers?

OK, i found it. It was connect_boards3.
I found it by using the query from the link below., and adding the ‘column’ to the items.

Graphql is ok, but this implementation is a bit odd… Anyway, we move forward :slight_smile:

Users can create multiple connect board columns (of board_relation type) in a board, each has a unique ID. If a column is created by API it could have an arbitrary ID like connected_contacts. Typically the expectation with the API is that the column was selected in a recipe, webhook, or the UI - so you’ve obtained the ID programmatically and don’t actually need to know it.

Here is a query to find all columns of a type on a board. Note that the types for columns are the only strings you do not put in quotes in the API - because they are enums not strings.

    boards(ids: "123123"){
        columns(types: [board_relation]) {