Get connected column board

Is there a way to get the board id of a connected column?
When querying the column values of an item with a connected column, it only returns the item ids from the connected board columns but no reference to the board itself.

I think you need to do a 2-step approach here. Get the itemId(s) for the linked items in the connect_boards column, followed by:

  items(ids: 123456789-the itemid found in the connect_boards column) {
    board {

Hello @basdebruin,
Great workaround, but what if the connect column is empty? Is it possible to get the connected column board id?

hi @kolaai
If the connect_boards column is empty, the LinkedPulseID’s will be empty as well and you can’t find the board that holds the original item through this 2-step approach. A more direct approach is to query the settings_str from the connect_boards column. This gives you an array of connected boardIds.

  boards(ids: 123456789) {
    columns(ids: "connect_boards") {

Output (that has to go through JSON.parse):

  "data": {
    "boards": [
        "columns": [
            "id": "connect_boards",
            "settings_str": "{\"allowMultipleItems\":false,\"allowMultipleBoards\":true,\"allowCreateReflectionColumn\":false,\"boardIds\":[987654321]}"
  "account_id": 1111111

This will do. Thank you very much.

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