My Team would like to us activities in E&A to generate and track tasks in the emails and activities boards. With the automation, it is possible to generate an item in the activities board but for every activity created in the “emails and activity” section. Unfortunately, the item and the activity get out of sync if the user changes either one of them.
I would like to implement a scenario to continuously sync the item in the activity board and the activity. I run in the following difficulties.
Unfortunately, it seems not possible to read or change any activity made by the user. Only activities made by the API can be read and deleted (if the id was saved). Is there any way to get access to the activities written by the user?
An Activity generated by the API can not be changed by the user. Is there a workaround for that?
So what a can implement at the moment is a one way sync, between newly generated Items in the activities board and their coresponding activity. If the Item is generated my scenario is generating an activity and if the item is changed my scenario is deleting the coresponding activity and generates a new one with the update values.
I am not happy with this solution because, the emails and activites section can not be used to generate or change activities otherwiese, the items will not be syncronised.
Does anybody have a better solution?