Copy board URL from Monday DT App

Hi! I can’y find a way to find and copy the url of a board within the desktop app (for Mac).
What am I missing?

Hi @edoaber!

As the desktop app is not a web browser, there is not an obvious way to grab the board URL. With that said, you can still figure out what the URL is by copying an item ID. When you copy an item ID, it will have the board URL in it!


Can you try this on your end and let me know if it does not work for you?


Hi Aron,
Your answer is the same as given by another support team member to me just recently. The thing is that this is a workaround and not a solution to the problem. While you are right the desktop app is not chrome it is using a browser and is generating links as proven when you show the copy item link option. I don’t understand why continues to slow down it’s power users while pushing automation while punishing people for trying to collaborate. This would be a simple change for a single developer to make in a few hours including QA time. Why not just give the users a small bit of help?

I’m coming from Clickup, and in their desktop app, they have a way to get the link to that list.

You already have the “Copy Item Link”, so it shouldn’t be that hard to add a link for “Copy Board Link”.

It’s a pain to have to use a workaround for such a basic thing.