Copy contents of File column

I want to copy the contents of a Files Column from one row to another row in the same group. I tried using the built-in “copy cell” and “paste” but when I select paste nothing happens and the cell remains empty.

Any ideas?

Hello @bhamiltonedu ,

Welcome to the monday community! :muscle:

This possibly seems like a bug to me. It is true that copy cell value and paste does not work on the files column, but I can see that you duplicated the first line. The files should carry over.

I did upload a file from my computer, so perhaps some specific cases do not work?

I would suggest asking monday support for assistance!

Giannis, Implementation Consultant at

It only looks like a duplication of the row above because of the name but it was a brand-new row, so no files were missing because of a duplication gone wrong!

Still looking for answers.

Hi Belinda! doesn’t have a direct file copy-paste feature within the Files Column. However, you can achieve this by manually uploading the same file to another item.

Hopefully they will add this feature soon!


Shanine from Mindflows