Custom automations for mirror coloumns

Hi there, it would be great to be able to create custom automations using mirror columns.
Currently, there is only a select few of automations possible using the mirror columns which seem to only be the below:

  • When status changes from something to something else, notify someone
  • When status changes to something, stop time tracking
  • When status changes to something start time tracking
  • When status changes to something, set due date to current date plus some days
  • When status changes to something, set due date to current date
  • When status changes to something, start time tracking. When it changes to something stop
  • When status changes to something, create an item in board**
  • When status changes to something, change another status to something (Note: mirrored status supported as trigger. Supports mirror columns of subitems)

It would give so many new options for synchronising tasks from main project boards to task boards.

Agreed. I also need automations that are triggered when an item in one board is first connected to an item in another AND the status of the mirrored board is X. We have vendors in our repository board that accept orders via Email or Online (a Status column). This doesn’t change, but in our process board when we add a new order, there are specific and standard subitems that need to be added based on the mirrored Status of the connected vendor.