I’m looking for a way to re-order the x-axis in a chart widget. Currently it places the bars in numeric order. I’d like to be able to chose the order of the x-axis. Any ideas on this?
Hey Kari! Are you using a Status Column for the X-axis? If so, you can drag to reorder the status labels within the Status Column settings and then that’ll be the default order in the chart for the X-axis!
Thank-you - this worked!!!
Hi Charlotte, I hope you can help me on this.
The above isn’t working for me unfortunately. My X-axis is ‘month’ of which is a status column in my board and I have ordered it in the correct way but it still isn’t displaying in my dashboard like this. I only have options for ascending/descending x/y-axis which isn’t helpful when this is meant be a YTD dashboard.
Please can you help?
I have the SAME issue. It will not let me drag to reorder even using a status column. I need to customize the month order - can’t just use ascending / descending. Is there a way?
Consider including a number in your month status name. For example, 01-January 02-February 03-March. That way you can order the months according to a calendar or fiscal year and can use the X ascending order on your chart.