Customizable Email Automations

Hi, I’ve looked around about this before. It looks like there was possibly a discussion about this in 2022 - was there any updates: Changing the automation email format - #2 by DanShute. Basically we use email automations but we cannot manipulate the font or add graphics. Please let me know if there is a way to do this using automations (not emails and activities). Is there a way to put in code in the automated emails to change the font or add graphics? Thank you!

Hi @Rach12 :wave:

What you’re describing isn’t currently possible within the automations themselves. I don’t have a workaround for you but will ask our dev team internally if there’s anything they could do on their side to facilitate it.

Let me know if you wanted to discuss further :slight_smile:

Peta | Upstream Tech
+613 9067 5611
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Hello @Rach12

Check out EasyMails where you can design your template using drag and drop editor and send mails through

Thank you Yash - currently we are using SuperMail. It works really great!! Only thing that we wish it had was the ability to email out of it without a premade template, i.e. just a simple reply email that we could still include graphics and attachments.

Hi @Rach12,

If you’re looking for more flexibility with email designs and automations, I recommend trying EasyMails. It offers a drag-and-drop editor for customizing fonts and adding graphics, and it integrates seamlessly with SuperMail is quite good but EasyMails allows you to send both template-based and simple reply emails with graphics and attachments.
I suggest you to test EasyMails once.