Customize calendar widget colors

This is a wall I have come up against recently. I have a calendar widget that is designed to show my team dates from multiple columns (e.g. start date, end date, action date, etc.). Ideally I want to be able to colour code these based on which column the dates are from but I cannot see this option in the ‘Colour By’ settings - it only offers the options to colour by other status columns when really what I want is for dates from the start date column to be red, dates from the end date column to be green, etc. (for example). It would be fab if this functionality could be added. Thank you!


My company is just setting up as our CRM and scrolling through this thread and seeing this issue has not been fixed for over 2yrs is worrisome. This is an obvious feature that other calendar providers, such as google, have. Our current calendar in monday differentiates boards using purple, pink, a kinda strawberry red and another lighter purple. To put it plainly…its awful to look at.

Unfortunately, this isnt the first basic feature that ive come across that monday seems to seriously drop the ball on.

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It would be nice and helpful if we could assign a different color to each board, so that we can have a colored preview of the projects!

Thank you for your feedback! After discussing with the relevant team and reading through your feedback, we agree that being able to customize calendar widget colors is an important feature. While we are planning on developing this feature in the future, a the moment we are focusing on other areas of the platform and do not have a definite date for when this feature will be released. We will make sure to keep you update on the development of this feature.

Learn more about how our feature request process works: All you need to know about our new Feature Request process

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I’m onboarding my team to Monday and it’s exciting, my manager is looking forward to presenting our new dashboard to our VP tomorrow. She just asked if we can change the color of the calendar items to something more appealing. I responded “of course, Monday is super customizable, there has to be a way”. Disappointed and somewhat alarmed to find that this wildly popular and much-needed feature request has not been prioritized in almost 4 years.


I don’t understand this. I have the same color on the calendar that I just created, and we’re showing it to our VP tomorrow. This brown is going to look great on her big screen. :weary:

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It’s an accessibility issue. It should be a priority. Brand Guidelines | Accessibility | Color & Type


Is there an update here? It doesn’t look like I can change the automatically assigned colors on a dashboard calendar yet. We got three very similar shade of blue, it’s very confusing. This should definitely be a feature by now.

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I have been trying to find a solution to this same problem! The brown is a massive issue and makes it completely unusable. I just spent an hour on help chat with someone who THOUGHT it could be fixed, but I had to show him this thread that I found showing it’s not possible. I love and it’s been amazing to use, but this is the MOST frustrating feature I have come across.… PLEASE make this update!

@Julietteb Can you please give an update on this? This brown color is a huge problem!

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We’ve had issues with the brown as well! It’s not legible at all against the black text, especially when we project the screen onto a tv/larger screen for the team to discuss on. This should be an easy fix, we should be able to choose what color represents each board. We love Monday but this is so frustrating.

Hi Community, The dashboard team has read through your comments and is planning to develop the ability to customize calendar widget colors and are starting to look into the requirements. At the moment, there is no specific timeline or date for when this feature will be ready, but we will know more soon! You can make sure to be the first to know about new feature by turning on your notifications for this thread. Here is how: How to turn on notifications for a post.

We really need to be able to have each board come across as a different color in our dashboard calendars. We have 2/9 boards coming through with the same color in one dashboard and no consistency across dashboards for any of the board colors (the same board will come up as a different color in a different dashboard calendar). Please prioritize this fix!

Hi Community, I checked in again with the Dashboards team and they explain that while we are planning to develop the ability to customize calendar widget colors in the future, it is not currently in development due to other needs within the dashboards team.

When thinking about the upcoming roadmap, our team needs to make difficult decisions about how we prioritize new features, improve old ones, and ensure overall platform quality.
Although there is no specific timeline or date for when this feature will start development, it is something that the team has in mind for future roadmaps.

As soon as the development teams add this to the official roadmap and starts working on its development, I will update!

Thanks for your dedication and support.

I spoke with the dashboard team has read through your comments, and while we are planning to develop the ability to customize calendar widget colors in the future, it is not currently in development.

When thinking about the upcoming roadmap, our team needs to make difficult decisions about how we prioritize new features, improve old ones, and ensure overall platform quality.
Although there is no specific timeline or date for when this feature will start development, it is something that the team has in mind for future roadmaps.

Hi Everyone, due to other priorities and new features in development, the ability to customize calendar widget colors is not currently being worked on.

While the feature is not currently planned, our roadmap is subject to change due to evolving capabilities and capacity, so we may be able to add this feature into our future roadmap.

In the meantime, there are some apps or workarounds suggested in the thread that may help solve your needs.

Thanks for all the feedback and I will update you with any changes to this status.

Years have gone by, and we still can’t choose colors in the calendar widget. @monday-team