Dashboard Filtering

Can the dashboards be more granulated? I would like to be able have the ability to view in the dashboard a person + status column + time. Not just all the time for one person.


this would looks great +1 on this one

Hi @hlopezvc, @tara

Could you elaborate on what you’d want to achieve with the Dashboards? I’d love to discuss and pass your input to our dev team :slight_smile:

Sure, happy to set up a call

Not sure where this went @Qassam-monday.com, but I also find the ability to format dashboard information a bit limiting.

To simplify (maybe): We need to be able to select x and y axis as well as filters on people, teams, boards, #tags and our other column types to create the right “pivot” of the data.

The dashboards are pretty, but less than useful to us right now unfortunately :frowning:


oooh, while I’m at it… everyone LOVES the llamas widget! The idea that the team had today was “what if we could pick other animals?”
Apparently someone on the call I was on had been accosted by a rogue llama, they were of course just making a joke about llamas offending them, but it was a great idea… because if I have llamas for one type of dash and (let’s say) cats for another, dogs for another… we can keep the smiles going while also giving users more functional use of the visuals :slight_smile:
just a thought!

+1 for this one. It would be great if we would just filter in the widget “table” as much as we can do in the boards. Now you can only filter on a person, or filter by text :slight_smile:

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I think @geoffreytrinon was going directly to the point in his post.

We need to filter by any criteria as we do in the boards.


Hey Everyone,

Firstly, thank you so much for your feedback, and feature requests! They are always welcome, and highly appreciated.

I would like to provide you with some awesome news! We have heard your requests, and developed advanced search within the dashboards. It is currently in trials, and will be released to all accounts soon!

Once it has been released, we will update you. Please let us know your thoughts, and suggestions!



Hey everyone! This feature was released!! Try it out and let us know! Just click the thre line filter icon at the top of each widget to filter!!

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Can you add a screen shot of what it is? I cant seem to find it

I have a Table on my Dashboard with a filter icon showing. All good so far.


However, when I click the Filter icon, the table goes Full Screen. No filtering options appear.

@tara and @JohnW can you see it now on your dashboards?

Yes but i don’t understand what it does

Hi @naomiCSM , i have tried this, but it doesnt work…
Clicking on filtering icon does the same that the full screen icon,
only goes to full screen, and you can only filter by text, not any other options like boards.

Please let us know what is happening or how to put this to work!


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@naomiCSM No change to what I previously posted.

Can you please explain what we should be looking for and how it works?

Think we’re all confused.

Hi everyone,

We found a small bug in this feature and we are working on fixing it and will rerelease soon. Sorry for the confusion and we will update you once it has been released again.


Was there any further progress on this, has it been re-released by now?



+1 for this one, waiting for updates. It would be really useful if we could filter charts, etc.

+1 to lending support to this feature request. We have many boards so it’s not really manageable to have to make changes to each one.