Date vs timeline

date and timeline columns look very similar.
Which should be used in a board with dependencies?
Is there a reason for these two options?

Hello @gbl ,

Welcome to the monday community! :muscle:

The Date column is used to store and track specific dates or deadlines associated with your tasks or items and it allows you to select a single date, being useful for tracking milestones, due dates, or any time-sensitive information.

The Timeline column is designed to create visual representations of tasks and their durations over time, offering a more comprehensive view of project timelines, allowing you to visualize task durations, overlaps, and possible dependencies.

You can create dependencies with both types of columns and it is not a mistake to use either. Personally, we usually go with the timeline column for dependencies.

Hope this is helpful, let me know!

Best Regards,
Giannis, implementation Consultant at


Thanks Giannis,
What is odd is that a date column can Also specify a range:

making them seemingly redundant options?

What is being shown here is a timeline column. The column is named “Date” but that doesn’t make it a date column type. Date columns don’t have ranges. Here is an example of a Date and Timeline column.

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You’re right! I didn’t create the board and just accepted the column name and type as the defaults. Thanks.