Developing monday apps using vanilla javascript


We would like to know how we can build monday apps using vanilla javascript. We appreciate the cooperation of the community members.

Hi mgtheboss,

You can indeed use vanilla js to build Board Views or Dashboard Widget features.

Load the monday sdk in your js file and use it to manipulate data and listen to data changes.
(you do not need Oauth2 for that).

Sorry I do not have any code to show you but I tried this spring for testing and it worked fine.

Hey @mgtheboss,

We have a Javascript SDK that you can use to build monday apps as you’d like: Apps framework SDK for JavaScript

Aside from the SDK, we also offer a quick-start tutorial on accessing the API through Javascript if you’d like to take a look at that as well.

Lastly, although it’s not vanilla JS I’d also like to link over to the quick-start apps tutorial we have for React right now. Although we have the SDK linked above, perhaps this would be a useful place to look and see some of our example code.
