Does need to improve transparency, responsiveness, and development priorities?

Hi everyone, Oron from engineering here.
I have to say I really appreciate your engagement and detailed explanations about the missing features. You have no idea how helpful that is to us, and how seriously we take this in the teams.

Wanted to shed some light about the linkage features - we’ve been getting a lot of requests about the features you’ve brought up in this thread, specifically:

  • 2-Way mirroring/linkage - Being able to see the linked items and mirrors on both boards
  • Selecting entire groups/boards on the link-to-item column
  • Linking to multiple boards and mirroring their column values

We know these can be really useful to a lot of our users, I could make use of them myself honestly. We do plan to add these features over Q3 however the timeline is not finalized since we are still working out the priorities. We will post here when we have more concrete plans.

BTW - Linking to multiple boards is available through a beta granted feature that you can request via the support email. However, we did keep this as internal beta since Mirror is not yet supported, and it is mostly useless without it.