Drag/Drop "My Work"

Our team feels like it would be HUGE help to be able to drag/drop the tasks on your “My Work” view.

You log in + click My Work. You see you’ve got 10 (ok, let’s be real 25+ things to try + get done.) Currently, there’s no way to organize the “today” section of My Work. A drag/drop feature would allow you to organize your day ANYWAY you wanted.

You could work top to bottom, bottom to top. You could group the items from highest to lowest priority. SOMETHING that you could control would be better than the random way that My Work organizes your tasks.

I’ve emailed this feedback but thought I’d drop it here + see what the community thinks.

We were just talking about this and came here to add it as a feature request. Thanks for doing it.


Similar to this, I would love some way to prioritise those items that are due today. If I have 20 tasks for today, how do I know what to do!?


Make sure you vote for this feature. Drag-n-drop would allow you to prioritize.


This is making me absolutely crazy. I have to look through my entire “today” list to figure out what to do next. We need a way to prioritize other than date FOR SURE.


I just googled for this topic to check if anyone else had already requested it. Would be super helpful. This is one of those quality of life things that would actually make me consider changing platforms if it never gets implemented. It’s that important.


Love it! Obviously, I agree. As our calendars + inboxes fill up, I find myself completing my first task of work simply by logging into Monday.com. But as a CEO there often is my tasks for today (which I’ve planned for) that are out of order/sequence/lack priority AND there are tasks people have assigned for me.

Culling through all the noise of even ONE day is a lot which is why our team really hopes some sort of prioritization is implemented into “my work”

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This would be useful. There are other requests asking for customization of columns and showing a custom column such as priority on the My work page and allowing users to sort the view as they do in a regular board.


I’d like to know how Monday employees plan their day? Surely not with MyWork. Please add drag and drop to MyWork!


Yes and a calendar :slight_smile:

WTF. Why is this feature not implemented yet?
It would be SOOO helpful to be able to:
-See your lists of tasks on the left. And see your daily/weekly calendar on the right.
-Be able to drag specific tasks into specific time slots on your calendar (and be able to move them around freely as the day/week goes by).
-Have automations that puts unfinished tasks into a separate “overdue” bin and shows how overdue they are.
This is the ONLY reason why i havnt purchased MONDAY premium account. Id totally buy this TODAY if it was implemented.

Yeah I agree this would be a really great feature to have. I was really hopeful I would be able to drag from the table view into the calendar view for scheduling.

This would be really nice. We have a priority column which is great, but I’d like to be able to sort or have some way to put things in the order I want to work on them.

We really (really!) need this to be implemented! I am trying to convince my boss that we should start using Monday.com, but he has seen “My Work” and said that how it works presently is a show-stopper for him: We need to be able to manually organize the tasks in “My Work” in a much more flexible way. Look at how Asana does this brilliantly!

Yes! And even better if instead of This Week, it lists the days out for the following week, so you can drag and drop items to different days as your week progresses and you need to adapt to changing circumstances. I had this feature in other platforms and it was incredibly fluid and natural to move things around.


The prioritization is not enough as we do not have a priority column on all of our boards across our entire organization nor does it make sense to.

The priority column is not enough, just simply being able to treat “my work” as a to do list where we can reorganize / prioritize will be game changing thank you