Duplicate to another board directly

Hi there,

I am frequently in the situation where I want to duplicate a large number of items from one board to another; or at the very least recreate the same number of items with the same name, NOT taking across the columns too. At the moment the only way I can find to do this is to duplicate all of them, and then move the newly created items over to the other board. This is annoying as it adds the word " (copy)" to the end of all the names… meaning there is a bunch of cleaning up to do each time!

Is there no way to just select a bunch of items and say “duplicate to…” and choose the board and group and have them created there, without the “(copy)” bit?

Thanks for taking the time to reply @kolaai.

However, I don’t see this as a solution for us. I work for a fairly small non-profit so the sort of extra monthly pricing your app asks for us too high for us on top of our Monday.com subscription.

This sort of thing seems like a pretty basic feature that should just be included in the original application! Not something I have to pay $400 p/year for (or in fact anything at all on top of the MOnday.com subscription).



Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your concern and understand if you wouldn’t like to consider the app. Though I’d like to mention that, we offer discounts for companies like yours, which you can find on our site in the FAQs section

The above stated scenario is just a fraction what what the app can do. There is so much more you can do with the app that will save you both time and money in the long run.

You can email me directly at alfred@kolaai.com should you have any questions or concerns.

+1 - I agree fully. They should simply just add a feature called “Copy and Move”, where it duplicates, then moves it without the word “copy”

Similar to the Convert Column Feature, it copies the column, shows the changes, and then converts it. but in this case, instead of converting it, it would simply move it.


Exactly! It seems like such a basic feature to me - crazy it’s missing.


Would love and update on this.

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Would also love to know if there’s anything more going on with this. I regularly have to create new groups as information comes my way and then copy that new Group to a different Board. The current process is very tedious. I’d love to see a on eclick “Duplicate/Copy to another Board”

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I need duplicate subitem and send the duplicated directly to another board, but as item. There any advise to do that?


Hi Monday.com product / dev team, please develop this feature!

It is a common use case to duplicate and move the duplicated item to another board.


Hi @jjay.lewin
looks like we are in same position.

Just wondering if you found any solution to this?

No, I did not, sorry!

A workaround i’ve been using is to duplicate the whole board. Then i can move the newly created identical Items to the actual board i need. This works for not having to deal with “cleaning up”.

As for the problem with subitems, after duplicating the board, i convert all subitems into Items before moving them to the actual board.

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It’s disappointing that this isn’t a thing yet.
It makes ongoing setup for monday.com a royal pain.

Being able to copy items as is (without losing loads of data) into a new version of a templated board would make updating Monday so much easier. It’d be good to be able to do more actual work, rather than spending days updating How we work on Monday.com


Absolutely +1 here. It is crazy how much extra work removing the word “copy” from each duplicate creates. And then to have to select each duplicate to move to a new board. Baffled by missing such a basic feature.

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I just thought of a workaround that I am pretty proud of.

I created a button called Duplicated to Board. When I want to Duplicate a Group to a board, I change the automation to which board I want the items to move to. Save the Automation.

Select All for the group and hit the top button and it will hit the button for all of the items selected and copy them to the board. Not perfect, but for me, it’s the best solution so far. Doesn’t duplicate subitems with items.

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That is a nifty solution, and, totally crazy that this stiiiiiiillll isn’t something that is possible on Monday natively!

Adding my vote to this topic as well. I used the “duplicate” feature a lot and would love it to be expanded with option for “Duplicate to Group” and “Duplicate to Board” where either of those options would not add “(copy)” to the end and create nearly as much work as just adding everything manually.

Hey! I am happy to announce that the ability to duplicate items to multiple boards in now live on VLOOKUP app, monday top rated and most trusted app for syncing items, sub items, updates and more between board .

See below how to have same item in multiple boards and install it from here for free

Joining these appeal to this very basin feature. I just created 12 new groups with 1 item per group in my Attendance sheet for 2025. Each group is a month with one item that runs horizontally across the month. Now I want to copy these items and groups into other colleagues’ attendance sheets. Even if I will duplicate the item, there is still no solution for copying the groups (months) in which they belong to. Very needed! Any updates on that? Thanks!

Hey all,

We developed an app that solves this exact pain point of copying or moving updates of an item to another item in another board. It also gets rid of the “(copy)” added to the item name.

You can use either of these automation recipes:

Here’s a walkthrough video showing how it works: https://youtu.be/1cUxGWT-whQ

Hope that helps.