Duration calculation based on lables on Status column

I have a column named Stages that shows each stages of the entire deals.
And I set the automation on each date column to set it today when column changes to every each column.

I’d like to calculate the duration of each stages between newly changed stage and item creation date.

How should I set the function for it?

Thank you

Hi @davelight,

Use the Days function.

DAYS({Date1} , {Date2})

Hi @davelight

I suggest you to try Time in Status app which track time the Item has spent in each workflow status. So you can monitor how fast the Item moves between statuses in

Time format

The Format option lets you select the time format how the status duration will be displayed:

  • DHM (Days, Hours, Minutes),
  • HM (Hours, Minutes),
  • h:m (hours: minutes),
  • M (Minutes),
  • Decimal Hours,
  • Decimal Days,
  • Decimal Weeks,
  • Business DHM,
  • Business Decimal Days,
  • Business Decimal Weeks.

The app is also available in the format of board integration.

You can try it on the Monday Marketplace and share your experience with us.
Hope you find this app helpful.