We need to be able to manage multiple enquiries with the same email address within monday CRM, so we need a way to ensure that only emails relevant to a specific enquiry are attached to each item.
The ‘CC to pulse’ setting from the email column seems like a great way to achieve this. We can ensure that all outgoing emails are CCd to the relevant item, and we can use an outlook automation to filter incoming emails by their unique enquiry ID so that they are added as updates to the correct item. That way we should have a thread of emails pertaining to each unique enquiry in the item updates.
In workflow management this works well; I can click on the email address for a particular item and my email app opens with the pulse automatically CCd. However, in sales CRM, outgoing emails are automatically processed in Emails and Activities and the CC to pulse setting doesn’t work. I haven’t found another way to sort emails based on which item they pertain to within Emails and Activities. Is there a way to enable CC to pulse in sales CRM, or otherwise disable Emails and Activities altogether so that I can use the CC to pulse setting from my default email app? Does anyone have other suggestions for how to filter emails based on the specific item they apply to?
Hey Grace,
Have you tried to remove your from emails and activities so these emails stop logging via the app?
Hi Bianca! I have tried disconnecting my account from Email and Activities, but then when I tried selecting an email address from an email column I got a pop-up inviting me to ‘Connect your email accounts to get started’, rather than it defaulting to my outlook app.