Hi there,
I am trying to integrate my HubSpot account to Monday through Make.com. I’m getting a parse error on the Monday side when I try to make the connection live. This is the message I get back from make.com
The operation failed with an error. [200] [{“message”:“Parse error on "column_values" (IDENTIFIER) at [1, 82]”,“locations”:[{“line”:1,“column”:82}]}]
I’m looking to move the status of an item in Monday when a trigger happens in HubSpot. It’s for managing renewal payments so whenever a deal is marked as ‘Closed Won’ in our HubSpot account, I’d like for renewals view we have in Monday to mark the relevant item representing that customer to a paid status
Here’s the screenshot in Make.com
and here’s the error occurring in Make.com
Any advice anyone has would be greatly appreciated.