Exporting Gantt chart in weeks, rather than months

Is it possible to export the Gantt chart as a PDF so that it is broken into weeks (or days), rather than months?


Hey @WWCM,

You should have the option to toggle the timeline duration prior to exporting.

Let me know if this is the case on your end :pray:

Hi Bianca,

Thank you for your reply - much appreciated.

I’ve tried your suggestion, however, there seems to be a glitch.

When you hit export to PDF it changes it back to months, even though I had previously selected weeks.

I’ve tried this many times, but it reverts to months each time.

Any suggestions?


Hm, this sounds strange…

This is how it should appear (when exporting from the both the board view and widget):

  • Is this occurring across your entire account or specific to just one board/dashboard?
  • Can you try duplicating the board view or widget? Does this change anything?

Thanks for your help!

Hi Bianca,

Thank you for your email.

We only have one Gantt chart in Monday, as it’s the only board with a timeline.

I tried duplicating the board and making the PDF from the duplicate but it has the same issue.

It doesn’t allow me to export as a PDF using anything other than months?

I click 'day’s or ‘quarters’ etc, then hit the button to save as a PDF. At this point it changes back to months?

I can view the board on Monday in ‘days’, but as soon as I export it to a PDF it only allows for months (even though I see the options here).

Looking forward to hearing back.


Thank you for sharing this information. It sounds like it could be a bug I am afraid given that the export continually defaults to months. Would you be happy to reach out to our support team via support@monday.com with this information and screenshot? You’re welcome to let me know via private message once you’ve emailed (and also provide your email address) so that I can keep an eye on this request for you :pray:

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Hi Bianca,

Thanks for your email.

I will email support now.


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Good morning. I am having the exact same issue. Any guidance/information you can give for a resolution to the issue would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you! - Jason.

I spoke to Monday Staff yesterday and was advised that this is not a feature as of yet. It only exports the full timeline view in quarters.

I am experiencing the same bug. I have a multi-year project and it is only allowing me to export as quarters, even if I previously selected months or weeks. Wish it would just generate a giant PDF using the scale we select!

Experiencing this same bug. Any roadmap for a fix?

Hi Bianca,

after circa 1 year, the problem is still out there. Can your Team please resolve this issue? Or can you give us realistic deadline, when it will be resolved?

Thank you.

Best regards,

Hi everyone,

Thank you for flagging this and apologies for my delayed reply!

I have looked into this with the dedicated product and knowledge team. I am afraid at this time it is expected and we do not currently have plans to make changes in the near future. The export will default to whatever time period makes the most sense to fit all the data in an export…

I recognise this is disappointing, particularly as you’ve been patiently waiting. I will continue advocating for improvements to be made and of course provide updates.

Thank you for your answer, but I guess it is not acceptable for many teams. I mean, what if there are a lot of so called Project parts, that are simply can’t be done(printed in that case) from yours perspective.

So my point is: the Gantt export function is not ready for big and complex Projects, what is really a pity and ruining a lot of processes for me as a Teamlead.

P.S. I’ve read all the topics about this issue and I’ve pretty been sure, that there a lot of your customers out there, who are desperately waiting for a working exporting solution.

Dear Bianca, probably you can advice me, how can I streamline this or how can I bring the result of resolving a bit closer?

Hi Bianca,

Thank you for your feedback on this topic. I would also like to throw my name into the bucket as a member who would like the feature to export the PDF gantt in months or weeks (not just quarters). What level of interaction do the team need to reconsider their position?


And my name as well.

It seems to be another case of the Monday.com team is only focussed on churning out new features with the 80/20 rule. 80% of the feature is complete and then they move on to something else without bothering to ever finish these last 20%. This leaves us with something that almost works for us.

Please update this feature. It is crucial for scheduling and coordination to plan week to week.

Exporting by month would be a HUGE game changer for us.

We use monday.com heavily for the commercial side of our company, and we have install projects that can sometimes last years. Exporting at an overview of the chart without the option to export it as a monthly view is hindering our ability to share our project outlines with subcontractors and project managers.