Files View with Subitems

We share information within updates - pdfs, photos, graphics, etc. When these are added into the update of a pulse, the materials can be found in the Files View for the board. However, the same is not true for subitems. Photos, graphics, pdfs, that are added to an update of a subitem do not appear in the board Files View. Without the Files View, we can’t really take advantage of subitems.

Is this in development or is there a work around?

PS There’s no tag for subitems

I haven’t tested anything. But it might be possible to create an update with the attached file to the parent item when a sub-item update is created with an attached file. If so, would that give you what you need?

I played around with updates, but didn’t hit on a combination that works.

Here is a simplified hypothetical project. It’s a small design project updating a little coffee stand. The subitems represent key elements that will be updated as part of the project. We use the updates to share design concepts, preliminary plans, elevations, etc. By using the subitems, we can silo the information however still nested under the main pulse.

The updates allow for discussion.

Currently, the Photos, Graphics, etc, added to the subitem updates can’t be viewed in total in the Files View. And we don’t want them in the parent pulse. We get about 15-20 updates per item, so it also adds up. We typically use the files column as we near the end of the design process.

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