Freeze/make heading of board static

Could you make the top header portion of boards static so that it doesn’t move as we scroll down through the groups. This would save time to always have this in view and accessible when wanting to add a new Group or integration or automation, or to search/filter, etc. 2019-08-05_1301


Yes Please! I thought this was something they were going to do with the new UX but guess it didn’t end up making the cut yet.


+2 . Agreed. Your screenshot explains it perfectly.

I’d like to see it as a preference setting (checkbox) rather than a default global setting for everyone.

I’d also prefer an account-wide setting rather than board-by-board.


This would be a great tool. It is real cumbersome to have to scroll up all the time. Many requests on several different strings. Mon.Com should add up the votes on all the like request and this will rate more popular

I totally agree!! We need this feature and Monday is not listening to their users.

We need that too. Could really be useful.

I also posted this and someone shared that adding the Monday.labs extension of “Open board experience experiment” makes the header sticky… and it works!!!

Give it a try! I hope it helps you as well

You know what would be awesome? If I could scroll on my board but all of the filters/search options stayed with me on a sticky header and I did not have to scroll up to the top of the page to re-filter or search. Would save a lot of annoying scrolling back and forth just to use a filter.

+1 would be awesome. To add to this :slight_smile: also include the board title / activities just above the filter/search. So basically stick everything up to the horizontal line


A similar feature request was posted in August 2019. No action to date by the Monday devs.
Feel free to add your vote to that too.

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+1 Simple change that would make it so much easier to view large boards / groups

We need that too. Simple change that adds a lot of value.

Sticky headers are here! (almost) - Video clip showing how they are being implemented. Enjoy!

~ Deb Cinkus, PMP
Certified monday․com Partner
CEO & Principal Consultant, Polished Geek

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You can acutally activate these new features, even if you haven’t got the icon in the bottom right corner.

Click on your profile picture > Monday.labs, and then choose this option:

Note: Only activate the one called “Open board experience experiment”, NOT the one called “Closed board experience experiment”

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Has there been any movement on this in 2023?

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Checking up on this with our team internally and will share the update as soon as I get a reply :pray:

It’s even worse now because the subitem column headings aren’t frozen, but the columns of the main item ARE. So when you scroll down, you see the column headings of the main item against the subitems, resulting in the wrong heading names above the subitem columns. Hope this can be rectified so the subitem column headings freeze also…


Hey everyone!

Amber here for the team! I’m excited to let you know that the new header, which you should now see reflected on your account, will remain frozen as you scroll down the board!

@amber I’m not seeing the subitem header being frozen as you scroll down - you posted this a couple months ago - am I missing a setting? In general one would expect the parent item header to be frozen - so you know what you’re working On and then immediately below those - the subitem column headers frozen and as you scroll through dozens of subheaders - you know what parent item you’re working on as well as the columns that are specific to the subitems - that you understand the column header fields they relate to.

This is basically how subitems works in the mobile app