General Caster - From Formula to Date

Does General caster works with date given with a formula?

My objectif is to put a deadline on a date calculated depending on the numbers of person working and the number of hours.

I already have a column with the calculated date. I want to use general caster to import the value on a date column. When i try it gives me “ivalid date”

Thank you very much!

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It may have to do with the way the date is formatted when calculated in General Caster.

Have you tried casting the formula to a Text Column? See if that gives you the date you want first, then we can troubleshoot further.

Hey @PierlucD
Please take a look at documentation on how date must be formatted.

I solved it! This is what happend

If my formula column, wich calculated my due date, was referencing to another formula column general caster was’nt able to retreive the data.

So i had to do multiple general caster to retreive data from certains formula columns so that my calculated date column was calculted with number column only.

There’s another issue though.
Because i have 20 general caster thate modify 20 column every time i change a column it uses 400 actions and slow down my board. (@rob if you have a solution for that it would be great!)

Sorry for my english by the way haha i’m french. :slight_smile:

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In fact, is there a way to do a formula wich include other formula in it?

Let’s say I have these columns:

 - A delivery date
 - Number of hours
 - Deadline date (there is multiple deadlines - because of multiple steps)
 - Number of people on certain steps

For the sake of the exercice, let’s say i have 3 steps. I want a timelime on each step depending on:

 - What is the delivery date
 - how long a steps takes depending of this formula - (numbers of hours / 8) / number of employe
 - Then depending of the longer of the step make a timelime
 - Repeat for the other steps depending of the previous timelime.

I don’t know if i’m clear hahaha.
Thank you for taking th time!

There’s no way to optimize it.
It’s the way works. Every time a column changes General Caster is triggered.

@PierlucD glad to hear @rob was able to help!

Let us know if you have any questions for our team :smiley:.


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