Generate Custom IDs

I currently have a monday form that is generating into the following columns - Client, Program, Date. I am hoping to auto-generate IDs for each row based on those columns.

ie -

If the client is Monday, the program is Automations and the date is Feb 14, 2022, I would want the ID to be MONAUT14Feb2022

How could I go about doing this?


Did you ever get this solved?

Jim - The Monday Man

hi @tg15

The AutoID app can do (almost) this. The only thing that is different is that AutoID generated ID’s are always unique per board so MONAUT14Feb2022-1, MONAUT14Feb2022-2, MONAUT15Feb2022-3 ID’s are possible, but they always will have a sequence number. The other option would be to use Integromat.

Hi there! I ended up just using the formula CONCATENATE function

CONCATENATE(LEFT({Client},2),LEFT({Program#Labels}, 2))

and it managed to do something that was close enough, although I was never able to figure out if it is possible to pull the date part correctly unfortunately


For the date part try this:

CONCATENATE(LEFT({Client}, 2) ,LEFT({Program#Labels}, 2), FORMAT_DATE({Date}, "DMMMYYYY")

Jim - The Monday Man (YouTube Channel)
Watch Our Latest Video: Keep your Integromat scenarios from timing out! - YouTube
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