search through many posts but cannot find right answers.
i have subitems with different timelines and i can see summary on pattern item that looks like timeline but some how it not acts as simple timeline.
i would like to get start date and end date of summary timeline but it not working. formula {mysubitemtimeline#Start} shows error or acts crazy
like then task status done - shows start date when formula set {mysubitemtimeline#End}. in case of other statuses it show error
maybe you know other ways to extract start dat from this type timelines?
When rolling up the subitem timelines to the parent item, this rolled up timeline becomes a mirror column, in order to show the summary of the timeline dates.
Currently this is not compatible with the formula column, I’m afraid.
I can definitely appreciate how this would be a useful addition to the platform for yourself, and I’m sure for other teams too, so I would highly recommend opening a thread in our Feature Request section.
Here other users who would also like this added to the platform will be able to upvote the feature!
You can find this here: Submit an Idea - monday Community Forum
In the meantime, you could manually add a timeline column to the parent item level and input the dates, although I do completely appreciate this is less than ideal.
@Dani Hi Dani, I am currently facing the same issue as him. I wanted to know the start and the end date of the summary of parents item of timeline. Could you help me on that? Thank you
@integreva@Dani Hi! We were able to solve this issue and cast the values from the Summary column into a timeline, @MsquareAutomation helped us with the integromat (make) automations