Gmail Alias Account not being tracked by

Hi there,

I am using Monday CRM for my sales team, however am having issues syncing information from my alias domain.

Current Domain Setup

  1. Master Domain (.life) - Master domain on Gmail
  2. New Domain (.com) - Alias domain on Gmail

#1 is the primary Gmail domain however the Sales team operate from #2, which is a subsidiary company for our US territory.

Our sales team is required to use #2 domain for their communications, however is not recognising these Emails and integrating them onto Monday CRM.

I have seen that Integromat could work as a potential solution to this but I’m unclear as to whether it will work for our use case.

What we need?

  • Our alias domain to be recognised in Monday CRM so that emails are logged correctly
  • The ability to be able to send from the alias on the Monday CRM email feature

Any workarounds or solutions would help us massively! Thank you