Google Sheet - Export Specific data from Monday

Hi Everyone !
What i need is a way to create an automation that will get the data from Monday in a specific columns (eg. Name/Phone/Adress/Email/etc…) and then send them to a specific Google Sheet.

Before using Monday Crm i was using Google Sheet to automate some verry complex task that was saving me a lot of time and manipulation with AppScript that is conected to pre built templates in Drive
(eg. Creating Files(Doc/Pdf/Xls) - Sending Html Email with the created docs as atachement) Just by clicking a button(function in the appscript).

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Hi @Mora ! I’m from Unito, we’re a monday partner with an app on the marketplace here.

Unito lets you quickly sync data between monday columns and 50+ other tools (including Google Sheets!). So you can pick and choose exactly which columns you want to sync with a visual interface that’s (relatively) very easy to use.

It takes me around 10-15 minutes at this point to build a flow, and if you need help, I’m happy to jump on a call and walk you through it.

Here’s a tutorial I wrote on how to sync monday and Google Sheets.