Guest Permissions for Updates

Hi community,

We are working with clients on shareable boards where we receive inquiries and information to process as updates in our elements, my main concern is that clients can submit an inquiry and later modify it and not be able to have a record of the original update.
I want to know how I can prevent guests from editing or deleting their updates, as I did not find that permission in my Pro Plan.
If this is not possible, does anyone know if it is possible to save these updates within I have only been able to integrate MS Teams to send a message in a channel when an update is posted, so as not to lose the original message.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @gesposito,

You can address this issue by creating a new board, such as ‘Unchanged Queries Board.

Then, set up an automation so that whenever a task is created in the original board, it is automatically duplicated to the ‘Unchanged Queries Board.’ This will ensure that the original queries are saved without the risk of being edited or deleted, effectively solving your problem.

Business Workflow Consultant
Ready Logic