Having trouble getting my text fields to appear from Fillout.com form to Monday.com

Hi All,

I have just created my first form in fillout.com and I can’t seem to get the form fields to flow over to Monday.com. I’ve followed the instructions to set everything up via ‘integrations’, ‘mapping’, ensured I have ‘published’ my page, and tried to match the columns in Monday.com. I can’t seem to get any of the ‘file’ fields to come across, nor the text fields. I’ve even done a few tests in Monday.com thinking perhaps I haven’t chosen the correct column (given fillout.com calls the fields short answer) I’ve ran the test on text, long text and short text and no luck. Any ideas where I might be going wrong? Fillout.com seems so awesome, and it did everything I needed it to… now I just need to work out this little blip!

Does anyone have a cheat sheet list of like for like columns to make life easier, also?

I seem to have found Long Text fields have flowed after I shut my pages down. Still no idea on files and links, so any tips would be amazing.