Help! Need a workaround for Formula Column Mirroring

I work at a digital marketing agency. I have a Budget Board (board A) that is connected to a Project Management Board (Board B).

On Board A, I have a column that shows the “daily spend” for digital ad accounts for our clients. It is a Formula column that pulls data from other formula columns on the same board.

I need the “Daily Spend” Column on board A to MIRROR on board B, the project management column.

I know the issue is that the column on board A is a formula. BUT we were able, somehow to get this to work all last year and it was just when we set up the new 2025 Budget board that something broke and now the columns are not displaying properly. I can’t remember what I did or what the consultant working on helping the agency set up might have done on the backend to make this work.

I have tried EVERYTHING I know how to do. I can’t find anything that will mirror, or that convert the number ($x.xx) to text or another format in order to mirror.

Any ideas?

You can mirror a formula column. Can you show the screen we’re you’re not able to?