How can I assign an item to the current Sprint on creation?

I am using the default Monday Dev boards for Sprints, Epics, and Tasks.
My tasks are grouped by Sprint, which is a mirror column connected to the Sprints board.

How can I create a workflow that will automatically assign new tasks to the current sprint?

Hi, unfortunately, at this point, there is no automated way to do that. It’s part of our Q2 plan to add it.
For now, you can have an automation that when an item is created, it will be added directly to a hard coded sprint.
Another option is to just add the item directly within the group of the sprint and have it.
We are also working these days on adding the support for active sprint within the Kanban view, which is probably the most common use case.
Let me know if there is anything else that I missed

Has this been added yet? I don’t see it under board settings, and I also don’t see the option to assign sprint or change a column when I attempt to create an automation to assign a task to a sprint.