How do I add a string text in a concatenate array?

I have a formula i’m working on:
CONCATENATE({item’s Project Code}, " , " , {item’s Project Name}, " , ",{item’s Flat Size}, " , " , {item’s Fold?}, " , " , {item’s Folded Size}, " , " , {item’s Paper Stock}, " , " , {item’s Inks}, " , " , {item’s Print Qty} “produced. Includes copywriting, design, photos, print, mailshop, bindery, sales tax, postage & shipping”)

Where I’m running into an Array key error is when I add in the text portion. I know i’m missing something, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Has anyone run into something similar and come up with a better formula?

I need to pull data from several columns and add in text to cast to a long text column. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Hello @DanCrum
Welcome to the community :slight_smile:

You might be missing a comma after {item's Print Qty}.

Try this:

CONCATENATE({item’s Project Code}, " , " , {item’s Project Name}, " , ",{item’s Flat Size}, " , " , {item’s Fold?}, " , " , {item’s Folded Size}, " , " , {item’s Paper Stock}, " , " , {item’s Inks}, " , " , {item’s Print Qty} , " produced. Includes copywriting, design, photos, print, mailshop, bindery, sales tax, postage & shipping")

Hello @kolaai

Thank you for the warm welcome. I ran the formula, and that did the trick. Thank you for being my second set of eyes.

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