How do I see past column info once the board has been moved?

I have several boards set up for a project. When an item moves to complete in a board it moves to the next board. The eample is a piece of furniture being made. The first board is process order. The next board is drafting. The next board is production. I’m trying to figure out how I can go back and see the information on the first board (process order) after it has been moved to the next board (drafting). Both boards have different columns for example date po received. Once that item moves to drafting I may need to go back and see that date, but I don’t know where to see the achieved info if needed. Thanks.

I used to manage boards for a graphics production company and we managed our items in a similar way. My recommendation would be to create the exact same columns on all the boards, but they need to be named the same across all of them. Then simply ‘hide’ columns on the boards where that column isn’t as pertinent. The data is still there, just hiding away (would still be available on the main table). I’m glad to help with further questions!

We have solved this problem at my org, too by setting up an automated update that is triggered by a status change (you could add it to your automation that moves the item to the next board as long as it fires before your move item fires) and grabs all the information from the columns on your original board and drops them into an update. This will allow you to see that original board information as the job moves from board to board.

The automation recipe you’d use is “create an update with this text” and then you can customize your text with whatever column information you want to retain.