When a status is changed in a subitems (100%) I want to duplicate this item to a new board/group only with this specific subitem and without any other subitems connected to the original.
Is this an option?
Hey Daniel!
For just one specific item to be affected, you are better off doing this action manually since anytime an automation is triggered, it will affect the relevant items/subitems.
Alternatively, you can create a status column that you only ever use for that one item and have that status column be the trigger for an automation recipe but you would have to be careful to not set off that same trigger by not using the status column for any other item/subitem.
Does this make sense? Let me know your thoughts and we can go from there!
Thanks for the replay.
The general workflow is that I have a group where every item is an organization where every subitems is a project lead. This means each organisation might have several subitems leads. I wanted to create a trigger which will move a lead to different group/page of “won” leads. If the trigger will cary all the subitems this will create a distortion in the data. If you have a different suggestion for this workflow I would love to learn.