How to create recurring daily sub-tasks?

Hi everyone,
I’m having issues creating recurring subtasks under a ‘project’.
Basically, I can create a recurring group or item but can’t find an option to set up recurring subtasks under an item on a daily basis. Any help would be appreciated!

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Hi @Ultraviolet, while there isn’t a stock automation to do this at the moment with subitems. What you could is use a date column on your main item to trigger the creation of a subtask each day. In the below example “Create Subitem” is a Date column.

Hope this helps!

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your solution - super helpful. Do you have an idea of how to then set a relative due date for the subitem? For example, every Monday I’d like a task to pop up under an item and then be due that Friday.

Hey @dani-relational - if there is always a pattern to the number of days to push the due date, after the above automation you could add the following:

When subitem created, set subitem Due to today and then push subitem due by 5 days.

Hope this helps!

Hi! If your looking for an easier way to create recurring tasks in, then check out the Recurring Tasks app! It’s designed specifically to automate task scheduling within your boards, so no workarounds needed. With this app you can program a task item or subitem to pop up on a Friday, any day of the week or any number of days before the task is due. Its extremely customisable!

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