How to create UTM generator?

Can someone provide me the final function form for creating a UTM with utm_source, utm_content, utm_medium, etc.

Hey Abbie!

A URL with UTMs has a pretty standard structure, and you can use the ā€œCONCATENATEā€ function, which lets you glue together text. Therefore you can CONCATENATE the necessary parts and make a valid URL.

Structure of a UTM

The first part is the actual URL, such as:

The URL must then be followed by a ? to indicate the URL is over and the UTM part has begun (the technical name for this are ā€˜URL query parametersā€™).

Each UTM parameter and value pair is also structured in a specific way. It is the name of the UTM param, then an equals sign (=), and the value. Such as: utm_source=youtube

Each UTM parameter-value pair is separated by an & symbol.

Putting it all together, you get something like:

Formula to do it

The CONCATENATE function takes a list of text values that it will stitch together into one string.

So with all the logic above, you get:

CONCATENATE({URL}, '?', 'utm_source=', {UTM Source}, '&', 'utm_medium=', {UTM medium}, '&', 'utm_campaign=', {UTM Campaign})

Another option, rather than a formula, is the app Column Magic has a feature called Text Builder.

There are specific recipes for building URLs into link columns. You use a message box and just type out text, and pick the columns from the column picker. It will then write the output to a link column. (You could also write it to a text column.) You can also use the value in updates, or other apps and integrations - where as a formula you can see and use only from your browser.

The recipe is available both as an integration and custom automation action. (just search ā€œBUILD LINKā€ when creating the custom automation to find it, if you install the app!).

*full disclosure, I am part of the Column Magic development team.





Thank you so much! This is very helpful and useful.

Another great solution! Thank you for the insight to this option.