I cannot create a "Connect boards" columns through the Api

I’m using Api version 2024-10 (Stable version at the time of writing this)

I can see in the Api documentation that the Column Type for the “Connect boards” column is “board_relation”.

When I execute this query:

mutation {
    create_column(board_id: 12345678, id: "projects", title: "Projects", column_type: board_relation) {

I get the error below:

    "message":"This column type is not supported yet in the API",

It seems that the error tells me that the ‘board_relation’ type changes to ‘board-relation’. Then I execute the same query but with that new type and I get this error:

    "message":"invalid type for variable: 'type'",

What type should I use to create a “Connect boards” column?



Hi @carlos.fernandez

Bill here from monday.com

Would you be able to please fill this form adding as much information as possible to it (such as account ID, board IDs, item IDs, timestamps, etc.) so that our team can take a look into it?


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The response

"message":"This column type is not supported yet in the API"

says this is not supported (yet).

Oh wow, you’re absolutely right. Big translation mistake on my part, my apologies.

So I’ll rephrase the question: Is there any ETA for when this type of column will be available?

Thanks a lot for pointing that out.

Best regards.