Identify last time an item in a group was updated

Hi @amy.westlake :wave:

If you are on the Pro Plan or higher, then you should also have access to The Formula Column, which could help offer a workaround!

My idea would be that you build a formula that counts the number of days between today and the date within The Last Updated Column . If that number is over 14 (aka two weeks), then it will output that the item needs updating and if not, it won’t show anything:

IF(DAYS(TODAY(),{Last Updated#Date})>=14, "Needs Updating", "")


You can then use The Board Filters to make a view/chart that only shows the items that require updating (aka items that have not been updated within the last two weeks):

Additionally, you may find some helpful information in one of our other formula support articles:

I hope this helps! Remember to mark as solved if this answers your question :slight_smile:
