Create project status report to include most recent item update


I’d like to replace our current manual/excel weekly project reporting using Monday.Com.

What I want to do is to have a board containing all our projects, a group per project. Each group will have items describing each key deliverable, that look something like this simplified version.

Task Status Date Latest Update
Analysis, Complete 01/12/2023 Text of latest Item update
Development, In Progress 31/01/2024 Text of latest Item update
Testing, Not Started 14/02/2024 Text of latest Item update
Implementation Planning In Progress 07/02/2024 Text of latest Item update
Implementation Not Started 21/02/2024 Text of latest Item update

For most of this Monday seems very good, but I don’t see how I can show the ‘Last Update’. Our process will be for the Project Managers to update each item weekly using the ‘Start Conversation → Item Update’ field and then for my report to show the most recent entry against each item. Is this possible?

I don’t want to use a text field for this as I want us to be able to keep the history of updates against each row and not over-write this each time.


David Millington

Hey @GreenCorrie,

I hear where you’re coming from here.

Currently, the Last Updated Column will reflect changes made to an item within the columns of the board, but not when an update is posted in the updates section - which I understand is what you’re looking to achieve, so I apologise for the setback here. I will relay this feedback to our team internally :pray:

Transparently, I would advise instead using a text column in order for timestamped updates so show, however I understand this is not what you’re looking for. You are welcome to explore our developers community or API documentation incase there’s an alternative way to have this information show in last updated column. That said, I will be taking this with our team internally!

Hi Bianca,

Thanks for the quick response!

I wonder if I can use an automation to copy a text column into the updates section?

So each week the project manager updates a ‘Current Situation’ text field with a status update and the automation copies that text into the updates section. This would create a ‘history’ of the ‘Current Situation’ text column?



Hi David,

Here’s what the automation would look like, where “Comments / Updates” would be your “Current Situation” text column.

When column changes > Then create an update

The only caveat with this is, it posts a separate update EVERY time the text column is updated on that item

Thanks Desmond - I’ll have a play and see how that works for me.


Hey @GreenCorrie

We developed an app called Board Report Automations that provides reporting capabilities which are based on actual reports (static docs) and not dashboards.
It allows to solve a version of this case by showing the items that had status change in a certain time period. Here’s an example →

Does that make sense?
In any case, we’re working on adding new types of reports and might incorporate your use case as well. If possible, can you reach out to me at so we can discuss further and explore what could be the best possible solution for this case?

Thanks - this is working well. Now for the hard part - getting people to fill it in consistently!


@GreenCorrie or @dnmonday can you post a screenshot that shows what this looks like once it is set up and working? Would be great to see the “end result” to determine whether it’s worth trying to setup an equivalent or similar automation.

Hi Meghan,

Guess I missed this notification.
Here’s a quick video of how the automation works - hope this helps

Yes, thank you!