I would like to be able to Filter Item Updates (in the Update Feed) by Date Entered, by Group, and potentially by Item as well, to be able to see all of the Item and SubItem Update posts for specific Groups. This should include all read and unread items, regardless of poster or recipient, for an entire Group, to help assemble comments left by users.
Also, it would be great to be able to see when each Item has last received an Update post, and who the poster was. This would be similar to the “Last Updated” Column, but would provide results for the Update Posts for an Item, and not for “Activity Log” updates to the entries in the Item’s Columns.
You’re requesting filtering of the Update Feed by date, group, and item, including both read/unread updates, to consolidate group discussions. Additionally, you need a “Last Update Post” field showing the poster and timestamp for each item, distinct from the existing “Last Updated” column which tracks activity log changes. This would facilitate better tracking of user comments and recent activity within specific groups.