Importing Excel docs to

I am trying to import a contact spreadsheet to ( it has about 300 lines).
I tried to insert all at once, but it keep spinning (preparing data) and never stops.
So I separated the data, and tried to add with 10 lines, but it still the same.
I might be doing something wrong, however I am following the steps here from the help page.
Could someone help me with that?
Thank you

Hey Mariana,

Sorry you’re running into this issue! Can you confirm if this issue persists in a private window (incognito)? :pray:

Hi Bianca,

Yes, it still happens.

Is there something I am doing wrong?


Hm this sounds a bit strange…

Can you confirm if you’re importing via this route?

If you’re still running into an issue here, please direct message me with a recording of the steps you’re taking incase we need to escalate this to our tech team - you can use :pray:

Hi Bianca, I did a video, however I don’t want to share it here. How can I show you without sending you a link?

Hey Mariana, Ive received your email and replied :slight_smile: