InfoBoxes - How do you use them?

Do any of you use the ‘info boxes’? I’m working with my team to revamp our whole structure/workflow (am in Day 1 of probably at least 90). I had a team member ask what ‘info boxes’ are for, I’ve never used them, would love some ideas.

Hey @dmccarthy22710 - we find them useful on boards that have a good number of columns as a way to group like kinds of data together without requiring the user to scroll left-to-right endlessly.

They are also handy within the view for connect board columns to show data from other boards in a summarized way.

I think you’re talking about the Item Cards? This is the Info Boxes, I had also posted on FB and I learned that they’ve been deprecated and to not use the Info Boxes tab.

Whoops! My bad. Yes, those have been deprecated.

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Hi Desiree, we use them to record expected questions and planned responses in the Q&A’ tab for our initiative items.

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For us, each item is a client so under the info boxes we write specific data about the client like billing information or special notes about stuff that needs to go on the last invoice.

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Hi Desiree

We use them for ‘static info’. ie, reference material that will not change and that the team may need to refer to later.

For example, a project brief or scoping document. Or the client’s brand guidelines for a creative project.

This saves people hunting for those key reference documents if they know that info boxes are basically the repository for reference information.

This is exactly what we do. We use it for static info and then use the updates tab for conversation about the static info. Now I can’t use the Info Tabs because they’ve been depreciated (I never saw an announcement about that). It’s a mess and we’re looking for an alternative to It no longer does what we need it to do.

Could you create an item view with the static info that you need? That’s what we have

THANK YOU! I inherited already created boards, so I had never really explored those. I am able to recreate how we were using info boxes. Thank you for your help.

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Glad to help! Item views are great and so flexible