Is There A Way to Push Sub-Tasks Dates by X Days Based on Creation Date or a Change of Date to the Main Task?

Is There A Way to Push Sub-Tasks Dates by X Days Based on Creation Date or a Change of Date to the Main Task?
Inputting a date when you create an automation for the creation of a Subitem is almost pointless since you can’t set it to the creation date or the creation date + 3 days etc. I am still pretty unsure why that is a feature that hasn’t been rolled out yet. Is there some way to do this that I am missing? Any insight would be wonderful because it makes no sense to, for example, move an item’s Status that triggers an automation for 20 subitems to then have to remember to go in and make the first item 3 days later and the second item 5 days later and the third item 1 day later etc.

Does that all make sense?

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Hi Michael
Hope all is well
You should be able to get what you require by adding sub items and dependancies and a dependancies summary to the parent and setting up an automation that if a date on a sub item changes all the dependent child tasks dates will change, the key is using the summary of the child tasks as the date range for your parent. You can also change the date from the summary of the parent and all dependent child tasks will change
Hope this helps
If you need anything in addition, please let me know
Many thanks in advance,

I have never done anything with Dependancies. IS that pretty straightforward to figure out if you add the column? And do you need that subitems date column in the main task?

Lastly, do you know some way to set the first subitem to the of creation?

Hi Michael
Dependancies are fairly straight forward to setup
for full details please see

In regards to setting the subitem date to the date of creation date,
Sub item automation is limited at present but there is one automation to set the date to taday based on status change
If you created a new subitem simply change the status to date set and the automation will set the date to today an the one sub item you set the status on, the other automation used on dependancies will then make sure all dependent subitems will maintain the correct dates

Screenshot 2022-10-28 at 09.05.25

Hope this helps
Many thanks

Unless I am missing something though, you can’t create 10 new subitems and then set the date of the first one and the rest change dependent on that date… they have to be linked to existing subitem dependancies. Am I missing something? I tried to do it, but I couldn’t get it to work. You can’t set an automation to do dependancies within that automations creation (if that makes sense).

Any update on this?
@DanIngham-IOI could you do a loom/screenshare of your solution?

Hey all,

We developed an app that solves this exact problem of setting sub-tasks dates based on changes in its item’s date (basically a dependency item - subitem). And more than that, you can also set different offsets for each subitem.

All you need is a date column on the item level, a date column on the subitem level and a numbers column. The numbers column is the offset between the item and the subitem so each subitem can have it’s own offset. And you can tweak it between days/weeks/months. See exmaple here -

It’s brand new (released last week) and we’re going to keep on adding new capabilities.
You can check it out here -

Hope that helps!

Hey all,

We developed an app that solves this exact problem of setting sub-tasks dates based on changes in its item’s date (basically a dependency item - subitem). And more than that, you can also set different offsets for each subitem.

All you need is a date column on the item level, a date column on the subitem level and a numbers column. The numbers column is the offset between the item and the subitem so each subitem can have it’s own offset. And you can tweak it between days/weeks/months. See exmaple here -

It’s brand new (released last week) and we’re going to keep on adding new capabilities.
You can check it out here -

Hope that helps!