Hi @jpatricio, I created some documentation below on how to use the Shortcut I created. Please let me know how it works for you. I’m happy to answer questions if you run into trouble.
I created this shortcut to allow me to add items to one of my Monday Boards while driving in the car. This shortcut allows me to say “hey siri Update Monday” and then add items to my Monday board.
Using the ShortCut
In order to use this shortcut, you will need your Monday API key and the Board ID of the board you want to update.
This link shows you how to get your Monday API key: https://support.monday.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005144659-Does-monday-com-have-an-API
Once you have the API key, paste this into the text box in the shortcut that says ‘Put-in-your-Monday-API-Key-Here’.
This link shows you how to get your Board ID: https://support.monday.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000225709-Board-item-column-and-automation-or-integration-ID-s
Once you have the Board ID, paste this into the text box in the shortcut that says ‘Put-in-your-Monday-Board-ID-Here’.
Rename the shortcut to whatever you want to call it when saying ‘hey siri’.
Despite what some of the Monday documentation says, the Group Name in your board is not the same as the Group ID (some of the documentation equates them). I probably could have written code to parse all the Group ID’s looking for a specific name, but I didn’t, so this will always add items to the first Group in your Board.
I ran into a similar problem with column names vs column ID’s. For some reason, the first date column I created had an ID of date4. That’s why in the shortcut, you will see that it is adding due date to a column ID called date4. You can use the above FAQ on Board ID to determine the column ID. You can then replace ‘date4’ in the text box that contains the code ‘,column_values: \”{\\”date4\\” which whatever your column ID is.
iPhone Shortcut Limitations
I had all kinds of trouble with setting this up. For example, I really wanted it to prompt for a date, but also let me say ‘no’ to a due date without have a separate prompt. When I first started trying it, I simply said ‘no’ to the due date questions. It turns out iPhone Shortcuts interprets this as wanting to end the shortcut. If you say ‘skip’ it jumps to the next shortcut. If you say ‘none’, it tries to set an alarm. What I discovered was that iPhone Shortcuts have all kinds of hidden reserved words. So, I settled on saying ‘no due date’ if there was no date.
Here is a link to the ShortCut