Item creation automation time-line column

I have configured a board that has recurring tasks on a weekly basis (every Monday).
This board has a timeline column with the from-date set to Monday and the to-date to Friday.
That is, the recurring task has an estimation of 5 days to be completed.

Said that, I need to setup an automation which creates a new item on a weekly basis (every Monday) AND set the timeline column value accordingly, that is starting on Monday of the current week and ending on Friday of the same week. At first, I started using the “Every Time Period, Create an Item automation”, but that doesn’t fulfill my needs because I’m not able to set the timeline field to the current week.

Automation regarding the time-line type column is on Mondays roadmap?
Anyone has an idea of how I could accomplish the automation I have described by other ways?

André Granville

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Hi André,

Lisa here! We currently have an automation that can set a date column when a new line item is created. I’ve included the screenshot below! We don’t have this functionality for the timeline column as of yet. I’ve passed this feature request along to my product team :slight_smile:


Thank tou very much Elisa.

I’m aware of this automation associated to the date column.

Looking forward for updates on my feature request.

Best regards, Andre

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It’d be great if this automation could be brought into the every time period create an item automation.

I have many repeating weekly tasks that need to be done either the day the pulse is created or x # of days after creation. However, it all varies so cannot use a global due date creation automation. It’d be great if there was a way to make the due date column dynamic with use of the automations.

Hope that makes sense.


Hi Krishele,

Absolutely! Would you be looking for account/ board date conditions based off the type of task? These conditions would then automatically adjust due dates accordingly when using the recurring item creation automation? This isn’t currently on the roadmap, but within the next two quarters are developers plan on making a lot of advancements to the automation feature :slight_smile: I’d be happy to pass along, and keep an eye out for all the great things to come.


Hi Lisa. I think that seems a bit too advanced for what I’m after. This is one of my repeating pulses on a board that has a Due Date column. When setting up the values for the pulse I can only choose a calendar date, which obviously isn’t helpful as time contines. :wink:

The automation you mentioned, set Due Date at x days after creation. It’d be great if that functionality was available in the pulse set-up instead of a standard calendar.

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Forgive me, I’m new, but in dealing with this situation, I have a status Complete and Incomplete and groups to match. When Monday arrives, I move all jobs to the incomplete group and push the due date by 7 days, using the “When due date arrives, move item to group and push date by some time automation”.
Then use “when date arrives and a status is something, change it to something else” to change status complete to incomplete when 7 days before the due date.
Notify on date when status is incomplete.

In one of the cases above, I would use a reset date for the Monday date, target date for when it should be done and date done to record when it was done.


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Hi Lisa,

I also have a similar use case for this. Actually, it is a manual process I usually run when needed for project management.

On some of my boards, I have both Status, Timeline and Estimated Hours columns. I usually set the timeline column manually, since I am not able to make the Timeline Due Date pushed by the Estimated Hours value. Does it make sense?


Hi @stevesmallman - thanks so much for sharing your workflow! I think the automation process that you have set up could be helpful for a lot of teams :slight_smile:

Hey @danilolage - thanks for joining the community and sharing these details! I see that the request to support the Timeline column in automations like these was submitted to our team. I’d be happy to share your support as well!

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This has been a while. Any news if it’s already possible to use an automation to create a timeline?
Im looking forwards to it ;).

For us it would be supper helpful. as its so nice to play with the timeline in the timeline view. As new items get created, an automation would make a new timeline. therefor the users can plan their projects to whatever length as they see fit.


Second this. I would like to make a standard timeline template that references the creation date. Aka,

design date = creation date + 2 business days
assembly date = creation date + 10 business days
shipping date = creation date + 12 business days

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At this and this support page, they provide a formula for adding workdays to a certain date.

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Hi All,

Checking in to see if there is an automation for timelines in the roadmap for upgrades. I’d like to be able to have a status change set my timeline by x number of days.

Hi All,

Looks like we have different questions / request in this topic. Nevertheless I want to inform you that we created a new app, called “Delayed Status Change”. The integration recipe for this app is straightforward:

When a status change to something, set another (or the same) status to something after the delay (duration) has passed. The duration field supports months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. Workdays can also be selected but in this first release the app treats workdays the same as days.

Use cases: when you send info to a prospect, set the status to “Info sent”. The app will change the status to “Contact customer” after x (specified in the recipe) days.

This can also be used to make recurring tasks. Two of those recipes can work together, one set status to “Create task” (which triggers the task creation) and change the status to “Waiting” directly after it. The second recipe triggers on “Waiting” and set the status to “Create tasks” after two weeks. This is an endless loop that creates item(s) every two weeks.

How does it work: when you create a new recipe the action will be scheduled to take place after the delay has passed. The scheduled event will also be written to a persistent datastore, so even when the app / server is restarted your action will take place on time.

The app is available in our app-store for a one-time price of 49 Euro. The documentation needs to be completed and the app will be submitted to the monday marketplace as soon as possible.

All our apps has a 10-day trial period, you can install the app in your account through this link…

Let me know if you are missing functionality, always open to make changes if these are beneficial for all users.

Any news on this?
Its been a while since this feature was requested and it seems no progress is made.
The timeline column is of high relevance to gantt charts. Therefore, it is only intuitive that automations would include options to edit the timeline column.

Hi Lisa. Has this functionality been created?

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Hi, Andre,

I think that the TImeline Manipulator app will be pretty helpful in your case. You can check here how it works:

Best of luck,