Item duplication to infinity

I am working on an automation for a board with a form. Ideally, when a form submission comes in, given certain responses, the item will be duplicated and the copy will be moved to another group on the board. However, every time I do this automation for a process that involves duplicated a newly created item, it also duplicates the new copy created, and just spirals out of control, duplicating items over and over again forever until I get in and turn off the automation.

It is possible to use “when a new item is created, duplicate it” in a way that just does this once and doesn’t also duplicate the new copy that is created (and the one after that, and the next one, and the next one…)?

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Hi David,

“When an item is created, duplicate it” is indeed causing a loop. You need to find something that only happens when the form is creating the item. E.g. set a status (to Form). Then, before duplicating the item you change this status. Something like this: