Item lives on multiple boards

Hi @ksopas - while this is still a work in progress there are some automations available with mirrored columns. such as:

  • When a status changes to something notify someone
  • When status changes to something change another status to something
  • When status changes from something to something else, notify someone
  • When status changes to something, stop time tracking
  • When status changes to something start time tracking
  • When status changes to something, set due date to current date plus some days
  • When status changes to something, set due date to current date
  • When status changes to something, start time tracking. When it changes to something stop
  • When status changes to something, create an item in board
  • When status changes to something, change another status to something (Note: mirrored status supported as trigger. Supports mirror columns of subitems)

As for moving between groups, this is still missing. We get around this by creating a second duplicate status column and use the automation: When status changes to something change another status to something then use the duplicate status column to trigger the move to another group.

It’s additional overhead, but it works.


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Mark, thanks for letting me know that some of these features are available! Unfortunately this does not seem to work with non-Status type mirrored columns yet. I’d like to see this expanded.

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Completely agree with you here, @ksopas
In theory the mirrored columns are a good idea but there is no actual functionality that is of any use.
I want to automate a date field to be updated across two boards when a status is changed on one board. Not that hard in theory but can’t do that.
It would be great to have some useful updates for once in this program.

Could you possibly help me figure out how to use these?
I would love to use * When status changes to something change another status to something.
But when I try to create the automation it doesn’t even show the mirrored column as available.

Never mind.
I figured it out.

My issue is a little different. My automations apparently are not able to see the mirrored columns. I have tried the suggested automations but this is the only thing I see.

Screenshot 2022-04-08 at 11-09-40 (5) Billing

You can see from the screen shot of the board I have three mirrored columns but I am unable to use them at all in an automation.


I’m also having this issue. @austensaari1 how did you figure it out?

@jake.armstrong I haven’t totally resolved it. However, I had some one from support mention that mirrored columns are NOT available in custom recipes. You have to use the pre-made automations.

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Hi! How did you make it work? I am trying the same and having the same problem as you!

It can’t be done from a “custom” recipe - it’ has to be done with the premade statuses.
I clicked on “status” on the left and it was the 3rd recipe.
Hope this helps you all :slight_smile:

Anyone work out how to do this with an ‘Owner’ people column that is a mirror. I tried from a custom and it still does not work.

Many thanks

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@MaxLogic_Lisa @cherylbenke @Susana @allegro23 @jake.armstrong @austensaari1

Nir from Jetpack apps here. I wanted to let you know about our VLOOKUP app that helps trigger an automation using a mirrored column. With VLOOKUP you can commect nultiple boards while keeping monday native reporting, permissions and automations.

Let me know if you have any questions

Has anyone come across a method of triggering an action based upon a multi-board mirror status column. I have tried vlookup, column magic and Autoboost - none of these seem to do this.

Great idea @HKILF, and thanks to everyone for sharing feedback. We’ve discussed your request about the link and mirror function with our development team and they agree with the need for this feature. As of now, it’s not immediately planned due to other priorities and team capacity.

We would love to keep hearing how the the link and mirror function would impact your workflow. Requests like yours help guide us in prioritizing the features that our customers care about the most. So keep the ideas coming because your feedback makes a difference.

Have another idea? Share it with us!

Hi, I tried with vlookup and it “worked”. I can trigger updates from my “source board” to my “target board” using the task/project name and ID (primary key). I can change timeline, status, etc.
Beware that this is one direction only.


Hi there, it seems wild to me that I cannot create an automation around a mirrored column that is showing a date from another board. It’s really hampering my team.

Hi All.

A similar issue here.

TLDR: Our company would really benefit from an automation like:
“When status (mirorred column) changes to something, and only if (dropdown or status from mirrored column) is something, change another status (current board) to something

Our company is in the fire safety industry, conducting compartmentation surveys, carrying out door remedial works and installs, installing fire stopping, etc.

We have hundreds of projects to track, and generally has been great…however our ‘master’ Projects board, which tracks everything about each project from initial enquiry right through to job completion/invoices being paid and everything in-between, really needs more cross-board/mirroring automations to work effectively and efficiently and to save having to manually update sections constantly.

There are several universal steps along the way of each project which we need to complete [such as requesting a client’s company information if they’re new to us, booking site visits, issuing invoices etc.]. For these, we have automations set up to create tasks in the company’s shared Task Board.

Just as an example, once we receive a Purchase Order from a client, the PO status being set to ‘PO Received’ will trigger 2x tasks:

  1. “Create Risk Assessment & Method Statement for X-Project”, and

  2. “Set up X-project on report software

This works great, and from the shared Task Board I can assign item’s to an employee’s personal Task Board and mirror their status back to the shared area. That one is simple, as it’s a simple “When Status (mirrored board) changes to something, change another status (current board) to something

That same automation, however, cannot be used in the same way to feed back a change of status to the master Projects Board, as there are different task types being completed (RAMS, Invoices, Works Reports, Client Feedback Forms, etc). I have added in an extra column to reflect the task type, but there is no way to amend the above automation to include that condition.

What we really need is an automation that includes mirrored columns in its options and reads, or can be amended to:
“When status (mirorred column) changes to something, and only if (dropdown or status from mirrored column) is something, change another status to something

I feel like the option is so close with the avalilable one in the automations centre, but it just need the flexibility of that + button to be able to add that extra condition in.

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No there is another one that is compatible with the mirror column, which is way more useful:


It reacts to the mirror column, but you cant use it to change the status of the mirror. To also change a status in the root-board of the mirror you will also have to create a mirror column in that board and create an automation with this formula in that board as well to trigger something.

I already suggested to show in the automation if its compatible with the mirror-column (like with sub-items). But I had to write a feature proposal…

Brett, would this also involve being able to have cross-board dependencies or is that a completely separate issue?