Item status change based on item name

We have items with the same name within different groups on the different board.

What I’m looking for is a way that when the status is changed in one item then all the items with the same name have their status updated to match.

Anybody got a solution?


See Item status change based on item name

Hey @Sam_A !

Great question about Item status change based on item name. The answer is actually covered in the 3rd episode of our brand new Aulysius Corner series, launched specifically to tackle your questions!

Our team of monday com wizard dives deep into this topic. You can jump right in at the [08:10] mark to see what options there are for Item status change based on item name.

We cover a bunch of other mysteries in this episode too, so if you have any lingering questions, be sure to check it out:

  1. Go to Youtube
  2. Search → Aulysius Corner 3
  3. Get your problem solved!

Hope this helps!

~ Aulysius Corner Rep