Items Syncing between two boards

Hey team! Thank you for always being so helpful!

We are trying to set up some simple to-do list task boards that sync with one another.

It starts with our general To Do list task board, and when an item is assigned to an individual (or multiple individuals), we want that item to be synced to the individual’s own to-do list board (which has the same structure). Then, any updates (statuses, dates, etc) on either the general or the individual’s board, we want those to be mirrored/synced between the boards. I can’t seem to figure out how to do this! :frowning:

I’ve included a snapshot of our main to do list board.

Please help! Thank you!

Hi @jeffwallace00,
I think I may have a solution for you.

First set up a person’s personal task board with a Link to Item column and corresponding mirror columns.

Then, in the General Task Board: Use an automation like this to create an item and link it to their “personal Board”. (When PERSON is assigned to XYZ, create an ITEM in PERSONAL BOARD and LINK TO GENERAL in the selected board)

Now once you create an item in your general to do list and then assign them. An item will be created in their personal board and it will be linked.

If you need help you can PM me and I can send you a demonstration on how it works! I hope this helps!!

Best regards,

Matt this is awesome and crazy helpful.

Seems so simple looking at it. Appreciate the help here!!!

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